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About the university

Our vision

We advance the discovery and application of knowledge to accelerate economic growth, regional development and social innovation. We inspire and equip our students and our graduates to make a positive impact in a tech-focused world.

We create unique value in higher education


We prepare our students to contribute and thrive in a world that's increasingly driven by technology and its implications on everyday life.


We partner with industry to help solve their real-world challenges, while bringing their ideas and insights into our research and learning environment.


We drive the economic and social well-being of our community with a focus on the next generation of technology and its interaction with the human environment.

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Campus buildings

Campus buildings

Campus map

Campus map



Leadership and governance

Leadership and governance





University facts

University facts

Vision, mission and values

Vision, mission and values

Research University of the Year
-Re$earch Infosource 2023
Graduate and undergraduate students
Graduate and undergraduate programs
View programs
Faculty and staff
Leader in energy efficiency
We are home to Canada's largest geothermal system, which heats and cools campus buildings
Canada Research Chairs
We attract leading scholars and create excellent learning experiences
Specialized research laboratories and facilities