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For Graduate Students

We provide support at every stage of your program and research. Contact your Subject Librarian for help with:

  • Accessing the resources you need: Connect to resources available at Ontario Tech University and beyond
  • Literature searching: Assistance with search strategies, evaluation of sources, database selection, and finding discipline-specific resources
  • Citation management: Tools for managing your references and easily citing papers as you write
  • Your research profiles and metrics: Help to take control of your research profile and to track the impact of your research output and publications
  • Research data management: Support to find, plan, and share your research data, including guiding you through creating a research data management plan and selecting an appropriate repository.
  • Research & Thesis

    : Find help guides for APA, MLA and other citation styles
    : Select and use citation management tools
    : Understand your copyright responsibilities and rights 
    : Identify highly cited journals, authors and articles and track your own research metrics 
    : Find, develop a plan for, and share your research data
    : Access 間眅埶AV theses, dissertations and scholarly publications 
    : Follow these steps for electronic publishing and print binding of theses
    : Explore the free and secure data repository that supports the deposit and sharing of 間眅埶AV University research data
    : Learn how to access the Library’s extensive data resources

  • Publishing

    : Learn how to increase the reach of your scholarly output with Open Access publishing and self-archiving
    e-scholar: By depositing in 間眅埶AV’s institutional repository, make your research publications discoverable in Google Scholar and meet Tri-Agency Open Access requirements 
    : Use tools and checklists to identify ‘bad faith’ predatory publishers
    : Utilize the University data repository for deposit and sharing of research data pre and post publication

  • Teaching Assistants (TAs)
  • Workshops

    The Library offers a variety of workshops through the series.  Registration is on the SGPS website.

    The Library runs regular workshops throughout the Fall and Winter semesters. Check for Library workshops on our Workshops and Events page.

  • Resources

    : Search for for books, articles and other resources from the Library 
    : Find databases by name and subject 
    : Find recommended databases and other resources for specific programs 

  • Services & Spaces

    Library Resources and Services for Remote Users
    : Request articles, books, and other materials from other universities
    : Fill out the form to suggest a purchase for the Library 
    North Oshawa Library 
    Social Science, Humanities & Education Library (Downtown Oshawa)
    - only available at the North Oshawa Library at the moment

  • Get Help

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