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The Commodification of Trans-of-Colour Memorialization

On the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) 2019, the President's Equity Taskforce invites you to join guest speakers Dr. Nael Bhanji, Assistant Professor, Department of Gender & Women’s Studies, Trent University, and Kusha Dadui, Youth Resource Worker, Supporting Our Youth, Sherbourne Health. They will present two short talks about their research, followed by an informal conversation about TDOR and its intersections with anti-Black-racism, transmisogyny and Islamophobia.

Key questions for discussion:  

  • Which trans bodies are deemed to be deserving of state-sponsored protection and rights and, conversely, which are deemed disposable?
  • What are the barriers faced by trans-of-colour refugees in Canada?
  • How can we nurture a politics of resistance that interrogates Canadian exceptionalism?

When: Wednesday, November 20 from 6 to 8 p.m.
Where: 61 Charles Street Building, second floor

To learn more or RSVP, contact Tara Ashley, Finance and Administrative Officer, Human Resources, at ext. 2074.